Layout of the 10 card reading
Starter question: What does ‘xyz’ need to know and focus on?
What do I need to know? (oracle deck 2).
What do I need to know? (oracle deck 2).
What do I need to know? (oracle deck 2).
What should I focus on? (angel deck 1).
What should I focus on? (angel deck 1).
What should I focus on? (angel deck 1).
What are my challenges or blocks? (oracle deck 1).
What is likely ahead for me? (oracle deck 1).
How will this likely affect me? (oracle deck 1).
What is the guidance or advice? (oracle deck 1).
Layout of the current relationship reading ’10 cards’
Starter question: What is does ‘abc’ need to know about his/her relationship with ‘xyz’?
What are their challenges or blocks? (oracle deck 1).
What do they need to know or work on?
What do they need to accept?
What other things could be an influence in this relationship? (oracle deck 1).
What are the chances of growth for them in this relationship? (oracle deck 1).
What are my challenges or blocks? (oracle deck 1).
What do I need to know or work on?
What are the chances of growth for me in this relationship? (oracle deck 1).
What is the likely outcome of this relationship? (angel deck 1).
What is the guidance or advice for this relationship? (angel deck 1).
Layout of the relationship compatibility (Soul Mate) reading ’10 cards’
Starter question: What is the compatibility for a relationship between ‘abc’ and ‘xyz’?
What are their challenges or blocks? (oracle deck 1).
What are the chances of growth for them in this relationship? (oracle deck 1).
What is their potential compatibility with me? (oracle deck 1).
What is the purpose of this connection? (oracle deck 1).
What other things could be an influence in this relationship? (oracle deck 1).
What are my challenges or blocks? (angel deck 1).
What are the chances of growth for me in this relationship? (angel deck 1).
What is my potential compatibility with them? (angel deck 1).
What is the likely outcome of this relationship? (angel deck 1).
What is the guidance or advice for this relationship? (angel deck 1).
Life review reading (your blocks & lessons) ‘ 15 cards’.
Starter question: What does ‘abc’ need to know about his/her life review?
This card reading just covers the basics of your life review, but for a much more in-depth life review reading, please check out my ‘life review psychic reading’ session.
What should I learn from my past?
What should I understand about my present moment?
What should I understand about my present moment?
What is likely ahead for me in my near future?
What is likely ahead for me in my near future?
What are my challenges and blocks?
What should I accept or change to increase my financial potentials?
What should I accept or change to improve my emotional well being?
What should I accept or change to improve my mental well being?
What should I work on to increase my gifts, talents and abilities?
What do I need to know about my life purpose?
What should I work on to bring me closer to my life purpose?
What should I focus on?
What potentials are there for a new income source or potential.
What other opportunities should I open up to or be aware of?